Hello! The Pink Titans is a high school team that competes in the FIRST Robotics Competition. The team consists mainly of high school students, mostly from David & Mary Thomson Collegiate Institute in Scarborough, Ontario.
Many of the members on the Pink Titans directly know a family member, a friend, and/or a colleague with breast cancer. This disease and all types of cancers negatively impact livelihoods and families. Finding a cure for cancer, including breast cancer, is a top priority for improving the quality of all our lives.
Titans are individuals who "gain strength in the greatness of their achievements". We can all be Pink Titans when we support the efforts by the Canadian Cancer Society (CCS) and the health care professionals to defeat cancer, including breast cancer.
The team promotes this awareness to support by exhibiting the pink colour on the competitive robot and the team uniform. At FIRST Robotics events, STEM outreaches, and other public events, the team receives donations for the Canadian Cancer Society and informs about their causes to the public. The team is competing in Toronto at Centennial College from March 8 to 10 and at Humber College from March 18 to 20.
Let's support the efforts by the Canadian Cancer Society and the health care professionals to defeat cancer, including breast cancer. Please consider making a donation with the Pink Titans in person and/or online.