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Campagne personnelle commanditée par AREAA Vancouver

2 juin 2023

Me soutenir

HOMEWISE EXPO 2023 is a home buyer/investor/owner resource expo that brings all notable local, national and international expertise all under one roof.  This event will be AREAA Vancouver's SECOND public real estate forum featuring more elite economists and real estate leaders locally, nationally, and internationally to share their insights and get inside scoop on how you can get ahead in the real estate game in 2023/2024!  Our Founder, Tina Mak, has recently been diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer, so we're not only dedicating this show to her, but to also shed light on hope, and leverage our collaboration with the Canadian Cancer Society to raise awareness, and funds for cancer research.  #DoIt4Tina


About Tina:

March 14th, 2023 marks the day her life turned upside down!  She began to believe a healthy lifestyle does not guarantee a healthy life.  As a non-smoker, a casual drinker and one who practices hot yoga 2-3 times a week for the last 16 years, still, she received the toughest challenge of her life... Stage 4 lung cancer. Not curable, not operational.  Yet, she has not shed a tear.  Rather than question, ‘why me?’, she bravely accepted the fight!  

In 2004, she was paralyzed.  By 2012, she had ruptured an appendix, and now in 2023, she has stage 4 lung cancer.  She’s beat many odds in the past and she’ll do it again.  She believes she did it by staying positive and by taking in all the prayers wherever they come from!

Metastatic lung adenocarcinoma applies to 50% of non-smoking females of Asian descent, and even higher percentage in Asia. Medical research in recent years have become much more advance, with less invasive treatments to prolong patients’ quality of life.  

 Tina continues to engage in an active and balance lifestyle. , she does yoga as a form of resilience  


Due to Tina’s situation, she’s become more aware of how our emotional, mental health, stress induced illnesses, physical environment all have a substantial impact on our health that we often neglect.  We all have the risk of cancer, and it is often triggered by stressful circumstances. Through this campaign, let’s help the Canadian Cancer Society!

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