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In loving memory of Jason Webster

Campagne personnelle commanditée par Chirs Webster

23 octobre 2023

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Jason was a loving son, brother, and uncle amoung us  all. Jason was full of life and energy. Jason was well loved and known by many, while working at Procter’s Cartage Ltd. for 14 years. 

My brother was diagnosed with MDS which is a rare form of a leukaemia. Jason underwent many procedure to over come this rare blood cancer. Jason fought long and hard but sadly the cancer became to aggressive for him to fight any longer. Jason passed peacefully on his own on September, 30, 2023 after his long battle with MDS. 

In honour of Jason Webster my family is asking all donations to be The Canadian Cancer Society . We have asked for all donations to be given to research for Leukaemia. 

Please kindly consider donating in honour of Jason in order to reach our goal of $1000 for research. 
